A tree risk assessment is the process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation followed up by risk treatment. Typically there are three main roles in a tree risk assessment. There is the Tree Risk Manager which could be the tree owner, property manager or controlling authority. The Tree Risk Assessor which needs to be an ISA Certified Arborist and be ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualified (TRAQ). And finally the Arborist tree worker that will be commissioned with the tree risk mitigation work.
The job of the Tree Risk Manager is to:
have the duty of car responsibility
communicate the tree risk management polices
decide on the need to inspect the subject trees
establish a budget for the project
identify the geographical limits of the tree inspection
specify the desired level of assessment
determine or accept the scope of work, which should be shared with the tree risk assessor
decide on the level of acceptable level of risk
decide on the inspection frequency
verify target zone uses and occupancy rates
prioritize the work
decide among the risk mitigation options
The job of the Tree Risk Assessor is to:
develop a scope of work and share with tree risk manager
develop a time frame and share it with the tree risk manager
correctly identify the tree and site
correctly identify potential targets, their occupancy and the target zone
perform an assessment and determine the likelihood of a tree or tree part failure hitting a target
analyze and determine level of risk
determine if additional more advance assessments need to be conducted
develop mitigation options for risks
estimate the risk levels after mitigation work is done by a ISA Certified Arborist
recommend a inspection frequency
Write an arborist report containing all data collected
provide tree risk manager/client with report
The job of the Arborist/Tree Worker is to:
provide need services while following ISA best management practices
support systems
lightning protection
tree replacements
tree health management
Typically tree risk assessments are conducted on trees in urban environments as they are more likely to be a risk due to their target zones being occupied by people or valuable property. Browning Arborist Consulting provides tree risk assessments to the lower mainland of British Columbia. We are capable of providing level 1, level 2, level 3 aerial inspection, level 3 increment boring, level 3 root excavation using an air spade and other forms of in depth inspections.